TRANSFORM: “Self-Imaging Therapy is a treasure. I felt the healing effects immediately. I had nightmares because of abuse I’d suffered. For the past 10 years, they grew more intense and traumatic. No other form of therapy worked. After the first session, the nightmares stopped. They haven’t returned” –Anita L, Healthcare Provider, Toronto.
TRANSCEND: “I’ve been through all sorts of therapies, and none has been as illuminating or transformative as SIT. It transforms self-defeating patterns into something affirmative and helpful. It’s taken me beyond the familiar into new parts of myself. I’m free to experience life without the sabotaging emotions and thoughts inside of me getting in the way and holding me back. I have all I need inside of me to be and to act in life” –Sherri L, Yoga Instructor, Toronto.
TRIUMPH: “SIT has helped me in every area of my life. My compulsion to overeat was reduced by 80% after 4 sessions with Nicola via Skype and sustained. I have maintained my weight loss without the effort of striving. I am happy with myself and feel confident. It is easy to let go of stress; I feel so calm. When I do the SIT exercises on my own, it is really positive and helps me cope with life, my emotions and food cravings”—Angela R, IT, New Zealand.
SELF-LOVE: “I now have the knowledge to address the different situations, and turn them around to a positive outcome. During the Self-Imaging Therapy process, Dr. Bird nurtures you through your layers and blocks. I learn to truly accept and love myself. I always feel like I come full circle in the process. I embrace myself with love” -Naz E, Performing Artist, Michigan.
BREAKTHROUGH: “I’ve worked with psychologists, done CBT, etc. but my problems always resurfaced. Doing SIT gave me the solution and ability to sustain changes. My life has done a complete 180. In only a few weeks, I gained confidence and was able to get control of my life and emotions. I was given a promotion at work, because I was no longer afraid to take charge. I lost weight with zero effort. And I met an incredible man. Once I realized that someone can love me for me, I found someone who does”—Mary P, Office Manager, New York.
ACHIEVEMENT: “SIT has been an absolute benefit in my life. It has helped me achieve my goals. I was diagnosed with anxiety and haven’t needed medication to overcome it. I now experience every day calm and focus and am able to set and attain goals in life. I have experienced dramatic change in perspective. I am extremely positive day-to-day no matter the challenges”– Julia F, student, Vancouver.
BALANCE: “You learn how to work on your own with Self-Imaging Therapy, so you are not left unable to fend for yourself. This is really helpful when things aren’t going well: I’m able to cope using the tools I learn. It makes me feel peaceful and balanced” –Janice R, Public Relations, California.
FAST-MOVING: “Within one session I saw immediate results in my transformation. I would never have expected that I would have transformed so much within one hour of meeting with a therapist. I’ve had many life changes: deep inner peace, quietness of my chatterbox critical mind, relief of anxiety and depression. I feel so much more powerful” –Kelli K, Filmmaker, Toronto.
SUCCESS: “I have a successful business which I couldn’t have had without this work. It’s made me a much happier person” –Yonah F, Entrepreneur, Toronto.
AWAKEN: “Self-Imaging Therapy is life changing. I wouldn’t be the positive person I am today without it. It’s an awakening force that helped me to abolish my anxiety. I’m self-accepting, confident, stronger, and calmer”—Sandra Q, Nurse, Toronto.
HEAL: “A month into a concussion that left me unable to work, I experienced panic attacks, insomnia, mood swings, hallucinations… Right from the start of working with Nicola, I began regaining control. I learned concrete, practical and very effective exercises to do on my own to regulate my emotions. I have more self-knowledge. The hallucinations have stopped. My insomnia and emotional disturbances are all gone. I was able to return to school. A lot of improvement in a short period of time” –Georgia H., Psychology Student, Toronto.
EMPOWER: “Self-Imaging Therapy is being guided through your own process rather than a therapist labeling all of your problems. You ignite the creativity in your mind, unraveling deeper issues that would not have been revealed in a normal therapy session”—Karen H, Australia.
MASTERFUL:“I have known Dr. Nicola Bird professionally for many years. Her great understanding of mental health and its intricate connection to physical wellbeing is richly encompassed in her work. With the tools she has created, she masterfully has assisted many people” –Dr. Leslie Walwyn, Physician, Antigua.
LIFE-CHANGING: “I suffered from crippling anxiety and panic attacks for 25-years. 15-years ago, I became virtually housebound, only venturing 2 km from my house. Within 3-weeks of working with Nicola, I see the light at the end of the tunnel. For the first time in 25-years, I am free of daily anxiety and panic attacks. I am getting my life back” Maggie R, Toronto.
IMPACTFUL: “Dr. Nicola Bird entered my life at two important moments in my life. The first session I had with her made a strong impression on me while I was studying naturopathic medicine. It helped me wade through complications in my life. Fifteen years later at a turning point in my career she was there again to subtly but swiftly help me rise above the noise. I would recommend Nicola Bird to most anyone looking for an internal healing experience, and I do!” Dr. Millie Lytle, Naturopathic Doctor, New York.