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You can change your life by changing the story of yourself

Out on the Limb_w picture

I am thrilled to share some very exciting news with you. I am launching a new weekly web series called Out on the Limb with Dr. Nicola Bird! It  is a premier show that celebrates life and well being. With on demand programming dedicated to inspiring and empowering, you gain the tips and tools needed to live a happy, healthy, and successful life. I, along with my expert guests, cover topics that support and illuminate mind, heart, body, and soul, providing reliable solutions for everyday living.

An exciting new show with electrifying guests is featured every Monday. Tune in and watch the shows at Out on the Limb with Dr. Nicola Bird. This Monday, December 15, 2014, I am featuring the remarkable Tracie Erin Smith, Founder of SOULO Theatre.

You can change your life by changing the story of yourself

Did you know that by changing how you view yourself, you can change your present and your future? In essence, you change your personal narrative: the story of who you are and how you see yourself. Tracie Erin Smith in this debut webisode helps you understand how you can change your life by changing the story of yourself.

Here are some of the amazing tips she shares with you so you too can empower your life:

  • If you change how you view and tell the story of yourself, you can change your present and your future…because you changed your past.
  • Your past does not have to define you. You can tap into your power by tapping into yourself.
  • The key to opening your heart is compassion for yourself.

Sound Bite for Success:  Power stance and emotional confidence

Do you want to feel more confident, strong, & secure, especially when you’re self-doubting? Do you believe that the only way to do that is by using positive self-talk to convince yourself that you’re stronger than you actually feel or believe that you are? Well, there’s another way to change your perception of yourself. You can use your body to stimulate feelings of confidence that will in turn convince the mind that you’re in charge, even when you’re self-doubting.

This is a 2-part process. First you put your body in a power stance, with your arms on your hips, shoulders back, chest high, and head up. Breathe deeply as you hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute. How do you feel? This posture makes you feel stronger, more in control and confident. As you pose, you can imagine yourself being in charge of a situation to help you connect with the feeling of confidence and focus your attention on that feeling. This is the important part: to really feel the emotion as you stand in the posture that stimulates the self-assured feeling. Stand in this position for another 30 seconds to 1 minute. You now have a 1 to 2-minute exercise that you can do pretty much anywhere: waiting in a car, in the bathroom, alone on an elevator, even walking … to cultivate this feeling.

I now invite you to be your own best friend and for the next week, take a minute or two at least once a day to try this technique and see how you feel. You can build positives in your life by routinely practicing simple habits to empower yourself. Remember: you’re all you need to succeed. And if you want more insights into how you can lead the healthy, happy and successful life you deserve, check out Out on the Limb with Dr. Nicola Bird debuting Monday, December 15, 2014. And don’t forget to spread the joy and share this with your friends. As always, be good to YOU and to those around you.

With warmth,

Nicola Bird


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